Sunday, February 8, 2015

Welcome to Journ

My inspiration for Journ was the desire to take our Trip Splitter app to the next level in terms of capturing everything about a trip. So, in addition to expenses, Journ allows the recording of Events, Places, Notes and Tracks. Further, the photo capability has been greatly enhanced with a new built-in camera tailored to trip photography.  Finally, Journ allows the trip to be easily shared and archived via many available venues. 

Journ was originally designed to keep track of Trips:  shared expenses and journaling where you went and what you did. It can also be used to capture your Everyday Life, as well as the trips that are a part of that. Both ways to use Journ have their own configuration of settings that help make Journ work best for how you want to use it.

Journ - life's a journey, capture yours.

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