Thursday, April 16, 2015

Journ – Use it a Little or a Lot

Journ users vary from the minimalist (track and shoot) to the avid journaler (Full Journal) to somewhere in between. Read on to determine which level of use fits your needs.

Track and Shoot – Use Journ to record your daily walk, bike ride or run. The Track and Shoot user creates a track and sets out.  Along the way, this user stops to take photos. At the end of the track, the user has a map of the track, distance traversed and photos taken along the way.

Track, Split and Shoot – This user could be anyone who travels and has a need to document the trip and expenses. For example, Journ allows a businessman to focus on business and not tracking expenses, mileage or accumulating piles of receipts. Journ can also be used to take photographs at meetings, record notes of meeting attendees, accomplishments or action items. If you are traveling with others and sharing expenses - not a problem. Journ is a master at expense management and sharing.  A photo of the receipt can be taken and saved with your trip information. In addition, a trip report can be quickly created complete with photos and emailed to interested parties. Journ can be similarly useful to those traveling for enjoyment.

Full Journal – This level of user takes advantage of each and every feature of Journ.  Their life is the journey and they wish to document every moment of it.  Journ can record the occurrences of each day – tracks, events, dining, entertainment, photos or other items. At the end of the day, Journ creates a complete recap of your day.

Regardless of your level of usage of Journ, the outcome is the same – a memorialization of your life. Journ creates a map of your travel complete with photos, expense reports, notes, etc.  Further, Journ makes sharing of any portion of your trip quite simple via social media, email or archive your memories to Evernote.

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